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New Series: What does “age-friendly” mean to you? 

We’re on a mission to answer this question—and ultimately, to use the answer to make the world an age-friendlier place.

Staff Writers
New Series: What does “age-friendly” mean to you? 

We’re on a mission to answer this question—and ultimately, to use the answer to make the world an age-friendlier place.

To start, we surveyed 1,719 older adults, asking the question: “In your mind, what would make a community age friendly?”.  We repeated the survey five more times, replacing the word “community” with “hospital”, “nursing home”, “doctor’s office”, “employer” and “university”.  We then combined all the responses, which came from older adults across the US.  The respondents had diverse backgrounds, were of an equally mixed gender and they spanned in age from the young old to the older old. 

As you can see in this word cloud, frequently mentioned were words such as “respect.” In the word cloud, the words that appeared most frequently in the survey answers are biggest, while words that appeared just a couple of times are smaller.

The word cloud gives you an idea for some of the most common criteria. 

But in the coming days, we’ll be publishing the majority of your responses under each category—excluding only the responses which did not directly answer the question.

Stay tuned! 

And share your questions and feedback in the comments below.

Date posted: Jan 16, 2021
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Age friendly for me- don't think that age is fragility and lack of energy.