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"As Far As I Can Go"

As many Americans think about working longer and aging actively, James Taylor’s steady vitality can serve as inspiration.


Part II: Working Longer Solves (almost) Everything

This is the second in a two-part series about benefits of older adults working longer.  The first article looked at the benefits that accrue to older adults from working longer.  This article explores the business case for older workers, or why employers should want to retain/hire older workers.


Part I: Working Longer Solves (almost) Everything

This is the first in a two-part series about the benefits of older adults working longer and the correlation between employment, social engagement and longevity.  This article looks at the advantages to older adults themselves of working longer.  The second article explores the business case for older workers, or why employers should want to retain/hire older workers.


Your Questions Answered: Returning To Work

The staff answers questions for the 50+ job-seeker on returning to work, résumé gaps, and how persistent to be after interviews.


7 Obstacles For Older Workers—And How To Overcome Them

Employers often have fears and concerns about hiring older workers. What may be true for many older workers may not reflect your situation but being aware of these assumptions and concerns may help you avoid getting lumped in with the rest.


10 Ways To Jump Start Your Job Search

All the uncertainty in a job search can easily rattle a job seeker’s confidence. But experts say it’s important to stay calm and think strategically.


Can Employers Ask How Old You Are?

Would it be illegal if a recruiter asked, "How old are you?" If you are like the majority of age 50+ job seekers, I'll wager you answered with a confident "yes." The real answer may surprise you...


Older Worker Stereotypes — And Why They're Wrong

Older worker stereotypes aren't just unhelpful, they're flat out wrong. This in-depth, research-oriented view proves exactly how the standard thinking around an older workforce is flawed and how older workers add substantial productivity.


The Key To Happiness in Your 50s and Beyond

Research shows that for most Americans, personal happiness levels naturally decline in your 40s and 50s before rising again in your 60s and 70s. But is there a way to ensure that your happiness stays with you through that trough?


The Case AGAINST Early Retirement

Early retirement seems like the dream—after all, when else but retirement could you have the freedom direct your own schedule and choose what you want to do? But a new article from the Wall Street Journal shows that the reality of early retirement may not be as promising as the allure.
