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New Book Shows How Improving Human Connections Can Lengthen Life

Gunning to join the club of centenarians?

Science writer Marta Zaraska argues in her new book that the single most important thing you can do is not daily exercise nor eating superfoods—it’s being connected to other people and your community.


6 New Hobbies to Explore in Quarantine

With experts asking everyone to stay inside while the pandemic spikes once more, take advantage of the opportunity to get into a new hobby.


Will Older Adults Be First to Get the Vaccine?

Some older adults may be wondering: can they move to a long-term care facility in order to get quicker access to the vaccine? Especially for those who have been putting off making such a move anyway, now may suddenly sound like the perfect time. 


Thankfulness During Covid

According to experts, setting aside time to focus on gratitude is important now more than ever. As many older adults prepare to spend the holiday alone, here are some tips on both why and how to cultivate it—despite, and because of, the circumstances.


Spotting Trends Among Older Voters

As the dust settles in the wake of the 2020 elections, and we come to understand more about the country’s voting patterns, it has become clear that older voters were an important contingent.


Survey Results: Ageism Still Abounds

Last month, we asked for your input on a survey about ageism. Thanks to your thoughtful responses, we were able to collect and analyze data on what ageism looks like for those experiencing it firsthand. 


6 Things to Consider If Debating Winter Travel

With the pandemic worsening and temperatures beginning to drop, those who typically seek winter respite in warmer climes are struggling to decide whether it’s safe and wise to do so this year. Whether you usually go south for months or days, it’s worth doing some extra research this year—especially if your age puts you at particular risk. 


Have you heard of "forest-bathing"?

With the stresses of the pandemic continuing to persist, and fall foliage at its peak, now is the perfect time to try this soothing Japanese practice.

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Viral story of “Tanqueray” raises $2.5 million for her home healthcare and offers wisdom on aging

“It was starting to feel like everything that was going to happen to me had already happened. There was nothing left but a bunch of stories. And those aren’t worth much when there’s nobody to listen. But then I got this one last gig. Right as the curtain was coming down, I get this one last chance to be on stage."

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Ageism Today

Even as ageism affects millions of people around the world, it remains a challenge to both identify and combat it. Take our survey to weigh in.
