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The Hope Village Historic District encompasses a historic mill village located in Scituate, Rhode Island. Located on a bend in the Pawtuxet River in southeastern Scituate, the area has seen industrial activity since the 18th century, and has surviving industrial and residential buildings from the early 19th century. The village is centered on the junction of Main Street (Rhode Island Route 115) and North Road (Rhode Island Route 116), and radiates out from there, with numerous properties on smaller side streets. The present main mill building was built in 1844 by Brown & Ives, operators of numerous Rhode Island textile mills. Approximately 1/4 of the village's housing stock originated as mill worker housing built by the company.The district was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on August 8, 1995.

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I have lived here in this quaint quiet town for about 3 yrs. School close by, neighbors are friendly, and will find them walking on a daily basis.. They also have fire dept close by ..also have christmas decoration through out the nighborhood, town. I love it here. And very quiet.

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