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Boston Massachusetts
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4.27 out of 5 stars
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Boston can be a favorable city for older adults to live in, but the suitability can vary depending on individual preferences and circumstances. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Healthcare: Boston is renowned for its world-class medical facilities and research institutions. The presence of prestigious hospitals and healthcare services can be advantageous for older adults who prioritize access to quality healthcare.

  • Cultural and Educational Opportunities: Boston is a city rich in history, culture, and educational institutions. Older adults interested in museums, art galleries, historical sites, and lifelong learning opportunities can find a wealth of resources and activities to engage with.

  • Transportation: Boston offers a range of transportation options, including public transit, buses, and subway systems. This can be beneficial for older adults who prefer not to rely on personal vehicles. The city has also made efforts to improve accessibility and accommodate the needs of older adults in terms of transportation.

  • Age-Friendly Initiatives: As mentioned earlier, Boston has been actively working towards becoming an age-friendly city. Through various initiatives, the city aims to address the needs of older adults and enhance their quality of life. These initiatives can contribute to creating an environment that is more conducive to the aging population.

  • Cost of Living: It's important to consider the cost of living in Boston, as it is generally higher compared to many other cities. Housing costs, in particular, can be significant. It's essential to assess how the cost of living aligns with your financial situation and retirement plans.

  • Climate and Weather: Boston experiences four distinct seasons, with cold winters and hot summers. This climate may be a factor to consider, particularly for older adults who have specific weather-related preferences or health considerations.
  • Would you recommend Boston, MA
    to your older friends and family?

    reviews (656)

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    major concern is cost of living and employment for women who need to work in retirement

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    As long as one is in good health, Boston offers it all. Walkable city, cultural opportunities abound, dining is great. Expensive city, however.

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    Great place to live love the mayor

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    Lots of families and older people. Majority of residents are home owners and have established careers. I don't find it overly age friendly nor do I think the majority of my neighbors are friendly

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    Well established long time neighbors and families. Access to public transportation and supermarkets, schools and churches. Lots of parks and green spaces.

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    We have number of senior citizens living in our neighborhood. They live with their children's or alone. We have number of parks and grocery area nearby which makes it very convenient for them

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    new business openings , new remodeled Victorian era housing , more affordable housing, better infrastructure for roads and streets, and good remodeled schools.

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    Walkable: stores, restaurants, libraries, universities, health care, parks and beaches withing walking distance. Excellent public transportation system with connections to subways and trains.

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    Very walkable, many amenities, near universities, libraries, stores, parks. Also has a great public transportation system with connections to railways. Community awareness is high, and people know their neighbors.

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    It is kid friendly. Very good schools as well. But, there are a few bars around, but it is never a huge problem. But anyways it is very nice for kids and adults.

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