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Everett Massachusetts
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4.23 out of 5 stars
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Everett is a city in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States, 4 miles north of Boston. The population was 41,668 at the time of the 2010 United States Census. The Council on Aging works to maintain the age-friendliness of the community by providing programs and services to the residents. These programs provide seniors access to health and fitness programming, educational tools, socialization, transportation, meals and support services.

Everett is an emerging age friendly community. This means it is pursuing an age friendly designation.

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to your older friends and family?

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I would say this is because there is rarely anything going on the place is quiet and you only hear cars passing.

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general living areas is not improved to promote a more efficient age friendliness, even though there are some areas with transportation I still would say there is a lot to be improved.

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The way it's been set up.

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It's age friendly for my age because it helps me understand old people more and it lets me know how it would probably feel like to get treated when I get old.

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