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Medina Hospital

Medina, Ohio

Medina Hospital

Medina, OH
Government Quality Rating
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the government agency that developed this star rating system. It is based on how well a hospital performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates and safety of care.
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This reflects user experiences and the likelihood of recommending this hospital to older friends and family members
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Ellie’s daughter

This was just before Covid, so the pandemic was not around at the time.

My 98-year-old mother Who had to mention used the wheelchair, and I went shopping for Christmas one day in November. Mom was talkative and enjoyed the day but I could tell she was starting to get a UTI, which she had in frequently. Each time she had when we had to go to the ER to have your cat in order to get a sample because she had a bent ureter. We were new to Medina but went to Medina emergency, and told them that she seem to be developing a UTI. Usually she would be cast and we would send us home with antibiotics

Not at Medina.

My mom sat in the ER all day. They put in a slow drip IV. As evening came I became louder in my protest that my mom had not been seeing, that she had not eaten all day, and that she hadn’t had any of her medicine. A nurse came in and open the drip on the IV. 40 minutes later another nurse came in and took the IV empty bag and replaced it with a full bag leaving it on a full open drip.

My mom began to gurgle in her chest and a cough and to say she couldn’t breathe. A nurse came in with white eyes and said “she hadn’t been doing that before!“ She was right. They wished my mom away and did x-rays and came back and said my mom had suddenly developed pneumonia. They admitted her she became very nonresponsive. I asked that because I work they give me 24 hour notice if they considered discharging or transferring her. About a week later one morning they called around nine and said I had to come pick her up at four with no advance warning .

I got to the hospital around for my mom was still very nonresponsive and there said she needed oxygen when she was home. I told him she had never been in oxygen before, and I have no oxygen at home. They said well they sent the man with the oxygen to my home. They sent him to my home at the same time they had me come to the hospital. No one was at my home! I was at the hospital! I got my mom dressed I got her into a wheelchair I was wheeling her down the hall and the man with the oxygen was coming running at it. He wanted to explain how to use the oxygen machine and set it up while we were descending in the elevator! ! And then I found out my mom also supposed to use a nebulizer and we had never had a nebulizer in the house.

I brought my mom home but she never fully awoke. She died at home.

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Precovid so it can’t be blamed on that. Had my 98 yr old mother out shopping one Sunday in Nov and she started to show signs of a UTI, which she had many times before. Took her to the ER ( she had a crooked ureter, so we have always had to go to the er to get cathed for a sample). She sat there all day. As evening came on I told them that she hadn’t eaten and hadn’t had any of her meds. A nurse came in opened the drip on the plain non medicated IV they had installed, so that it drained FAST. In 40 min another nurse came in and replaced the bag, leaving it flowing as quickly. My mom started coughing and her chest started gurgling. I called a nurse and with wide eyes she said “She wasn’t coughing or gurgling before!” They whisked my mom out for X-rays and came back saying she suddenly had pneumonia and they were going to admit her. They did. They kept her for a week. She never got better. I asked for 24 hr warning before discharge or transfer. They called me one morning around 9 to say she had to be picked up and taken home at 4.

I got to the hospital to take her home. She was on oxygen. I told them she wasn’t on oxygen when I brought her in, she had never been on oxygen and I had none at home. They said they had just sent the oxygen man TO MY HOME. I asked why they sent him there when they had told ME to be at the hospital. I got my mom dressed. I got her into a wheelchair. As I am WHEELING HER INTO THE ELEVATOR the oxygen guy comes running down the hall, saying he would teach me how to set up and run the oxygen machine WHILE WE WERE LEAVING IN THE ELEVATOR.

As we were leaving they said she needed to use a nebula er. I told them we didn’t ever have one!

My mom came home that day, never having fully regained consciousness. She developed bedsores which were so deep u could see the bone . She never recovered and died at home in bed.

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    Did you feel that providers listened to what matters most to you or the people you help care for?
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    Did you have a chance to discuss medications and how to stay on top of what you’re taking?
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