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Perimeter Behavioral Hospital Of Dallas

Garland, Texas

Perimeter Behavioral Hospital Of Dallas

Garland, TX
Government Quality Rating
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the government agency that developed this star rating system. It is based on how well a hospital performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates and safety of care.
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absolutely traumatizing. barely any food, won’t listen to you, sometimes there will be blood on the ground, holes in the walls, don’t give you barely enough water, and there is always a fight going on. they make you sit in a room and stare at a tv all day and if you don’t sit up right they will yell at you and just to put it out there they yell at you for literally everything. also i had anorexia and i lost 5 pounds when i got out because i didnt want to eat the awful food and that you know just sounds “amazing” for someone with anorexia. also they screamed at me my first day there when i asked if i could go to bed earlier 15 minutes before bedtime because my therapist said i could go. i could go on for hours about this place because i was only there for 5 single days. kids were in there for months and they are really hard to get out and they also keep you to say they are making you feel better so they get more money because they made me worse and all they do is give you a ton of drugs. not to mention how you have to ask for a tiny cup of water if you are thirsty and that when you ask they don’t listen to you and you have to keep asking for 15 minutes straight and i’m not even over exaggerating like i screamed at a lady for 20 minutes because i wanted water. i hate how there is always screaming going on here. when i went i was 12 and i had to go on the kids level and the kids were obviously loud but if they even whisper when they make us look straight at the tv they might not be able to eat with everyone else or go outside. it’s also so sad when all the fighting and screaming and punching holes in the walls are going on and you see little kids and your friends cover their ears and cry. there was a specific 5 year old there who was crying so hard over all the fights and i feel awful for her. she was in there for like 3 weeks and everyday she would say “i hope i go see my mommy today” and it was so sad because they were keeping her to get more money. i’m not surprised that this place was made by the same people who made sundance. i wish this place didn’t exist. i can’t even explain the feeling i get when i think of this place. i hate it so much. it makes me have panic attacks and nightmares and i’m going to trauma therapy because of this place and i was only there for 5 DAYS. this place shouldn’t exist

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My child got strep throat while she was there. The staff told her it was because of her personal hygiene..very insensitive. The Head Manager started yelling and told them to shut up and that he could do anything he wanted because he was the head Manager. Some of the children started to cry. There was no comforting. The children watched T V all day. They only went outside 2 times in two weeks and the windows were so high they couldn't see out. It was more like a prison. Please do out patient with your child instead of sending them here. It is a horror show.

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