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Investing in the Longevity Economy

Stocks to consider based on the inexorable growth in the number of older adults. Serving the needs of older adults is turning into big business. Here are a few industries and companies to watch. We welcome your ideas too.


Transportation: An Important "Where To Live" Factor for Adults

Transportation is an important, yet often overlooked factor for older adults to evaluate where to live. While many “where to live” guides and sites provide helpful information on housing costs, income opportunities, tax rates, and other criteria to consider when picking one’s retirement residence, typically transportation offerings for seniors are typically ignored (as far as I know).


Reboot, Rewire or Retire? Personal Experiences With Phased Retirement

This article provides insights from my personal experience and that of friends, and people I have talked with about our retirements and about what has made retirement work well for us.


How To Get Sunshine During The Gloomy Winter Caregiving Months

It’s no mistake that one of the 6 key domains of the Age Friendliness Score is transportation. Ease of mobility can keep daily routines dynamic and avoid social isolation, but during the long winter months or in caregiving situations where a loved one’s mobility is impaired, it can become much more difficult to get out and get a daily dose of Vitamin D. 

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Beth’s Bargains: Stretching My Retirement Dollar

Living on a fixed income in retirement often requires getting creative with spending. While not yet retired myself, I take pride in chasing down some of the best bargains. 


How To Bring Mom or Dad to a Restaurant When They Have Alzheimer’s

One of the most difficult aspects of caring for a cognitively impaired loved one is the fact that the normalcy of social interaction is completely upended. Let these simple tips ease the act of eating at a restaurant together.

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The Age Friendly University Network: 4 ways it may help make aging easier

The Age Friendly University (AFU) global network is a movement that may help shape how we live and work in retirement by increasing educational opportunities for older adults.

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Is Your Town or Employer Age Friendly?

Age Friendly Advisor  focuses on where we live and work in our later years - and how we engage with our communities. Go to your town's page and post your review.  What makes it age friendly - or not?  Go to the 'Working' section and post an employer review.  What makes your employer age friendly - or not?


Crowd-sourcing Set To Accelerate Age Friendly Movement

“We need engagement from the bottom in addition to action from the top,” the World Health Organization’s Dr. John Beard tells Age Friendly Advisor.


An Innovation Framework for Age Friendly Cities

As cities take on disruptive challenges, in particular harnessing technological disruptions and managing aging populations, this note suggests a five-stage framework to guide cities along their innovation journey. 
